
cara lain untuk membersihkan kuas makeup setelah digunakan :

soalnya menurut saya cara pertama rada menyesatkan pas saya liat di account fb flame paradise ternyata =_= cara bersihkan kuas itu pakai sabun bayi:
shampoo bayi

kuas yang kotor.
beberapa tetes shampoo bayi dan air.
cuci menggunakan sabun.

bilas dengan air mengalir/jangan sekali2x merendam saat pembersihan karena akan merusak tangkai kuas *pengalaman pagi ini.
keringkan lalu beri alkohol.

selesai deh :).

hari ini saya akan memberi tips  baca judulnya,hetic banget kalau ternyata saya lupa membersihkan kuas dan, saat ingin menggunakan kuas tersebut keras lalu susah digunakan minggu lalu saya menggunakan cara ini, sebenarnya sudah lama saya menggunakan cara ini lalu saya akan membagikan tips untuk kalian.

bahan/ alat :
air mendidih
deterjen 4 skop

 kuas yang kotor itu.
 1. didihkan air
2. rendam kuas dengan deterjen selama 1-2 jam lalu gosok bagian yang bernoda.*tutup hidung baunya sangat-sangat menyengat
3.lalu bilas menggunakan air mendidih lagi.
done, kuas saya kembali bersih.
jangan lupa follow instagram ku ya:@sucijewels

Each country, region and regional people, even locals have their own taste and to cater for everyone has their own style of food, dishes and own recipes.
Pakistani Conventional Dishes & Favorite Food
In Pakistan, we have regional and food dishes and then there are dishes popular country. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the food and the recipes are inspired in neighboring Afghanistan, Punjab has a rich culture but on the other hand Sindh and Baluchistan have their own traditional food. Some conventional and favorite meals throughout all stand apart and also are preferred by outsiders.

Biryani and Pulao

Biryani and Pulao
Biryani and Pakistani foods are directly linked. No Pakistani wedding is complete without its presence. It is generally a South Indian recipe, but became a hot favorite in Pakistan and people from are crazy about it. It is made of rice and meat of any kind. Biryani took many forms and shapes, and even variations of the recipe here as Lamb Biryani, Sindhi Biryani, Tikka Biryani, Biryani Potato etc.
Similarly, Pulao ranks second after it. It has a lot of types and techniques of cooking, due to difference of traditions and variations of the regions.

Makai Roti and Sarsoon (Mustard) Saag

sarson ka saag and makki ki roti
Makai Roti with Sarsoon ka Masala is a famous Punjabi recipe. It is mustard flour Makai and that's it. Whenever there is a need to represent the culture of the people of Pakistan, it proves to be eaten.

Kebabs with Naan

Seekh Kebab with Naan
Naan Kababs are not really but kind of supplements or pop-ups of a dining table essential dishes Pakistan. Kebab is made with mince and Naan dough. There is a wide variety of skewers on a dinner table as Pakistan Shami Kebab, Tikka Kebab, Gola Kebab, Seekh Kebab, kebab Aalo, Chapli Kebab, Chapli Kebab and many more. Used together or separately or with other dishes like Pualo Kebab, kebab or Naan Bun Nehari etc.

Naan also has many ways Qeema Nan, Nan Aalo, Roghni Naan and so on, especially Roghni Naan is very popular among Pakistanis.

Korma, Karahi and Nehari

Korma and Nehari are also delicious Pakistani food. 
Chicken Korma
Meat is involved in cooking both dishes.
People enjoy eating on special occasions such as weddings, dinners, parties and meeting venues, etc.

Haleem and Hareesa

Haleem and Hareesa
Hareesa Haleem and involve a lot of foods like lentils; rice, meat, maze, etc., but the amalgam of these products is definitely shaped duper tasty Haleem or Hareesa. They mostly served with Naan.
Seeji with Chullu Roast & Dampukht.

Saji and Dampukht 

Saji and Dampukht
Seeji and Dampukht are the two special cuisine Baluchi have become so famous all over the country now. It is made after skewing whole lamb that makes it unique and delicious for everyone. Dampukht is also made of flesh, but its cooking involves a lot of fat.

Halwa Puri

Halwa Puri
Halwa Puri is the last but not least special breakfast item of Pakistan. It originated from Punjab, but famous worldwide for its delicious flavor and striking color Halwa. Halwa is a sweet dish that involves Suji, a kind of flour and sugar majorly; Puri while gram is made of flour and then fried in oil.

 walaupun saya termasuk orang yang jarang banget memakai eyeshadow itu pun hanya ke ondangan =_=.

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kemasan:travel size, mungil gampang dibawa kemana-mana  hanya saja ringkih kadang tutupnya cepat terlepas dari cangkangnya.
ingredient silahkan baca di belakang kemasan susah nulisnya ketimpa sama tanggal expire hanya saja ketika membaca nya masih terdapat bahan paraben dkk.

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pigment okay banget hanya colek 1 kali udah nempel ke kulit hanya saja stay power kurang bagus.

swatch ke mata
bagaimana pendapat kalian?
repurchase: yes, mau beli warna lain
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today I will write reviews about l'occtiane- vervene I got this last month from Aliya Mutiara. although sample I very curious about this stuff.

let check this out:

sample size different with other perfumes from other brand because another brand with bottle , they have sample not sachet.

scent: love love love this scent fresh like fresh lime : *: 3. add mint really love it fresh and relaxing.

full size:
source image
packaging nice and simple .look oldies but I like this.

price: 770.000 indonesian rupiah.
buy full size: no, too expensive for me
where to buy: pvj, trans mall bandung l'occtianne outlet or this site:,41,2,13714,451708.htm

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