
Infinitive /v.1 Preterite/v.2 Past participle/v.3 arti
broadcast broadcast,broadcasted broadcasted memancarkan (dengan radio)
browbeat browbeat browbeaten menggertak
build built built membangun
burn burnt,burned burnt,burned membakar
burst burst burst merekah,meledak
buy bought bought membeli
cast cast cast melempar
catch caught caught menggurusi
chide chid chidden,chid mencari
choose chose chosen memilih
cleave clove,cleft cloven,cleft membelah
cling clung clung melekat
Earlier this year, publishers spread the word to reveal the latest techniques to lose weight. A brief overview of the latest releases that matter.

The nutritionist explains his method to lose weight , and durable . It is to change his eating habits, but also to learn to manage stress , sleep better and play sports.

At the dawn of spring, when the French were still the head ski sports Erwann MENTHEOUR is already preparing the objectives of the summer season : lose the extra pounds . But rather than offering a quick method, although he introduced the Fitnext - expert program tries to unravel the truth and falsehood of all ideas about dieting, fitness and health.

Solar Publishing , € 14.90

The regime 5/2 to French
Delphine and Charlotte Montalier Debeugny
The two experts disclaim hundred seasonal recipes and four week program combining healthy eating and weight loss. Like the same British rule , the " 5:2 ", the program includes two days during which the power does not exceed 500 calories (600 for men) .

My Best Recipes For Slimming Fun

Jean- Michel Cohen

To simplify life , or rather the meal and those who are dieting , Jean- Michel Cohen has worked on three menus ( for each sex ) to discuss the three phases of weight loss : comfort menu ( to start ) menu booster ( to boost weight loss after a period of stagnation ) and the stabilization menu. It remains only to draw in the culinary ideas doctor.

Flammarion, € 19.90

The Fast Regime
Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer

The authors describe the concept of 5:2 , that is to say a diet program based on phases of fasting. This technique is not only put forward to lose weight. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes.

The Low Glycemic Index Diet:

Jennie Brand- Miller, Kaye Foster- Powell, Joanna McMillan - Price, Gerard Slama
The authors recommend a diet rich in quality carbohydrates to achieve weight loss, based on a twelve-week program. The book helps its readers in their quest kilo lost with recipes.
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hari ini kita akan belajar bagaimana check tulisan bahasa inggris  kita sudah benar atau belum okay simak.

website pertama  yang saya coba cuman malah tambah ngaco.....

website kedua ini lumayan bagus...
text yang kita tulis...
click check
nah yang digaris itu tulisan yang salah....................

terus selanjutnya edit selesai..............................

senangnya berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman.............

setiap hari sabtu aku ngajar eskul di sd

sebelum ngajar eskul gambar anak-anak mengikuti eskul wajib yaitu pramuka ..

ada satu lagu yang membuat aku semangat juga............
Mars Siaga
ayo siaga (ayo..)
ayo siaga (ayo..)
ayo siaga bergembira..
siaga berbakti pada ayah ibundanya..
dan tak kenal putus asa..
siapa suka bergembira tepruk tangan. (prok3..)
kami pramuka siaga..
siapa suka bergembira tepruk tangan. (prok3..)
kami pramuka siaga..
sumber:sumber lirik

Infinitive /v.1 Preterite/v.2 Past participle/v.3 arti
beseach besought besought memohon
beset beset beset mengelilingi
bespeak bespoke bespoke,bespoken memesan
bespread bespread bespread menyebar
bestrew bestrewed bestrewed,bestrewn menaburkan,menghamburkan
bestride bestrode bestridden mengangkangi
bestrow bestrewed bestrowed,bestrown menaburkan,menghamburkan
bet bet,betted bet,betted bertaruh
betake betook betaken pergi,melarikan diri
bethink bethought bethought berfikir,mengingat
bid bade,bid bidden,bid minta,menawar
bide bode,bided bided menunggu,menanti
bind bound bound mengikat
bite bit bitten,bit menggigit
bleed bled bled berdarah
bless blessed,blest blessed,blest memberkati
blow blew blown bertiup,mengembus
break broke broken,broke memecahkan,mematahkan
breed bred bred memelihara, mendidik
bring brought brought membawa

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