
one day before i dumped her because my mom didnt like cat if i saw this picture its made me sad.
capture by canon.
 she is very pretty and actrative.

sometimes keep cat is very fun  and not fun.

very fun because u can play with her/ him

not fun or digusting if she/ he pooop in any where.


i wish u happy in there and have better boss than me

edit: adobe cs 3 photoshop

artwork made by mutiara and salma at 2012,
THe  beauty girls made it :)

 tecnic: dry to dry
media:crayon on paper
my student made this picture mutiara and alya one years ago. Me forgot who made flowers. and icecream.

Mutiara she lil bit stuborn but she has talented in drawing and salma she is deligent and smart too. These foto me got captured one years ago  exactly 2012.when they learnt drew with me,

nuvo handsanitizer,
Price :3750

 If you care about hygene before touch ur skin without water hand sanitizer is choice but if u have few money u can buy this product.:) because its cheapest hand sanitizer in supermarket.

effective clean my hand
smells bad
hard absorb

in the village dragon specified amount without reduction without the addition of the house. In the village dragon their still hold  tradition.

fact about those house.
1.before building house they always made ritual ceremony
2.No electricity they use solar
3. house fixed amount 112 with mosque and hall meetings, so if people increase part of them move to other place
4. mace above door they install repellent reinforcements
5.Home leads towards the North and South. Ciwulan south facing river and north facing forest (hill Cikuray). use natural material
foto: my self captured

i wish i can go there again.
Perhiasaan dan kuningan(mangkuk2x,gelas dan poci).
hadiah dari negara lain.
Lampu kristal.
Kotak perhiasaan.
jamu's box, cup and bowl
Patung timah.
Hmmmm apa yah ini.

Koleksi museum keraton cirebon. Mengingatkan kita akan kejayaan Keraton kesepuhan ini.

Mengingatkan kita, pertukaran antar budaya luar dan lokal.

Mengingatkan kita pentingnya menjaga barang pemberiaan orang lain * sebagian dari koleksi pemberiaan dari negara lain.

Apa yang kita ambil dari hikmah dari gambar diatas?

Menghargai barang pemberiaan orang lain, walaupun kita tidak suka tapi dengan di simpan di tempat yang baik akan menjadi suatu sejarah dan bisa di perkenalkan kepada generasi selanjutnya.Itu contoh sederhananya.

Kedua. tentang pentingnya menjaga warisan leluhur,  walaupun kesannya klise tapi jika kita menjaga warisan leluhur akan menjadi sesuatu yang sangat bernilai harganya.

Ketiga, Tentang mengunjungi warisan budaya maksud disini adalah kita boleh berwisata ke mancanegara tetapi jangan lupakan warisan budaya, soalnya aku lihat ketika saya berkunjung di tempat ini keraton cirebon nyaris sepi  oleh karena itu jangan lupakan warisan leluhur . yah girls 

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