
Beras 1/4 cangkir

kencur 5 jari

1/2  potong gula merah * saya menggunakan blok gula merah

-satu gelas air
blender lalu saring

 bersama-sama 5-7 menit.

setelah berbaur kemudian saring

Kemudian voila ini  jadi deh...............

  Manfaat jamu ini Membuat tubuh  segar dan rilex, menambah stamina, rasa sakit hilang dalam tubuh , membuat kulit bercahaya , dan mengatasi batuk .....
Saya membuat lukisan ini ketika umur saya 11 tahun. Aku memakai cat minyak pada kanvas dan seinget saya itu kamar aku jadi bau ga enak banget pakai merek maries seinget saya itu minyak raminya ga dipakai soalnya ingin kesan tebal tebal .liat gambar di buku pelajaran senirupa jadul keluaran tahun 80-an tapi sayangya gagal total permisa jadi aja gini.

 karena lukisan  ga tahu maknanya apa. makanya judulnya absurd muke lo absurd *naon ai uci.

CI ini lukisan apa? lah aku jawab ga tahu ah kata kamu apa. preeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttt.makanya judulnya ilusi *naon deui.
abstrack banget soalnya ga berbentuk .
warnanya gelap gitu suram. saya sd-sd sudah absurd mana ini lukisannya selesai satu tahun lagi ya ampun.

saya ngapain aja ya itu lukisan kadang dipadang dikerjain juga ga terus dibiarin atau dicuekin sampai berbulan-bulan jadi aja setahun selesainya dasar pemalas
karena lukisan ini absurd

when i was 14   made expresionism art because explore our expretion feels sad or happy.

i coppied  picture my mom's made with kniting and i made my version.

red-rose.... i  gave name it.

me brushed with oil colour maries colour because cheap.

and use brush from wood me bought near my school.

then 7 years ago when i was 21 years old i remake i changed background from black to brown yellow used acrylik colours.

but its made change to be bad....

when I studied at the art college I was Mr. Tri karyono. To try to make paintings, but works of art of famous people from Asia, Europe and the country I chose Goo Hye Sun as a result of my love for her, she is a creative person from Korea who plays in TV drama boys before flower
I made my own style I believe the original version is better than my version.

I use acrylic paint and this size is 30x40 cm.

goo hye sun vertion.

I chose this original vertion image made by Goo Hye Sun Source: Google image..

my vertion.


What's the meaning of this painting: I painted this painting because telling stressful during my life, is about school life, love life and bully. red is my favorite color so I used this and gold to make painting luxury.
size: 60x40 cm media: I used, acrylic color because in past when I made this art I learned used that material not use oil color because it's long time dry if acrylic color fast.
this painting it doesn't mine because the student was join art exhibition with other campus so I decided to join but didn't success because of the size too small and I told her this picture ever post in
 Another lecturer interested in art and she asked me to give her that painting so now that painting in her house. my lecturer whose name is Mrs Dewi

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