
when I studied at the art college I was Mr. Tri karyono. To try to make paintings, but works of art of famous people from Asia, Europe and the country I chose Goo Hye Sun as a result of my love for her, she is a creative person from Korea who plays in TV drama boys before flower
I made my own style I believe the original version is better than my version.

I use acrylic paint and this size is 30x40 cm.

goo hye sun vertion.

I chose this original vertion image made by Goo Hye Sun Source: Google image..

my vertion.


What's the meaning of this painting: I painted this painting because telling stressful during my life, is about school life, love life and bully. red is my favorite color so I used this and gold to make painting luxury.
size: 60x40 cm media: I used, acrylic color because in past when I made this art I learned used that material not use oil color because it's long time dry if acrylic color fast.
this painting it doesn't mine because the student was join art exhibition with other campus so I decided to join but didn't success because of the size too small and I told her this picture ever post in
 Another lecturer interested in art and she asked me to give her that painting so now that painting in her house. my lecturer whose name is Mrs Dewi
cut a very little piece of papaya.
then mash papaya.
spread on face
leave on for fifteen minute
wash off with warm water
the result: made my skin very smooth
papaya is very good for your skin its contain vitamin c, vitamin e and, potassium. smart choice for your skin specially for dry skin, reduce wrinkle and disease of the skin.

Hi  Jika kalian menyukai kegiatan di luar ruangan saya pikir kalian perlu beberapa tabir surya untuk melindungi kalian dari UV A & B dan mencegah u dari sengatan matahari.

Kadang-kadang saya harus pergi keluar pada hari di bandung sekarang saatnya 10,00-15,00 saya pernah terbakar sinar matahari karena saya tidak menggunakan tabir surya jadi saya membeli tabir surya dari wardah.

Karena murah hanya 27.000 aku menggunakan ini setelah day cream.  Untuk kulit saya membuat kulit saya terlindungi dari sinar matahari. Gel tetapi tekstur seperti lotion, wanginya  lembut dan mengandung 30 SPF. Ini perawatan kulit halal dan dibuat oleh Pt paragon dari Indonesia


melindungi efektif kulit dari matahari

cocok di kulitku

  harga murah


membuat kulit saya berminyak
Membersihkan dan merawat kekencangan wajah.
Mix  bubuk masker ini dengan sedikit air mawar  dan oleskan wajah secara merata hindarkan bibir dan mulut. diamkan 10-15 menit. Bilas dengan air hangat sampai bersih gunakan tonik wajah *aku ga pake tonik.Pakai ini secara teratur 1-2 kali sebulan.
Baunya agak nyengat khas alkohol, tapi adem banget dikulit dan murah hanya sekitar 4500-5000 rp pas pake ini udahnya agak keset di muka.:) tapi agak kenceng juga siih hehhehehehe baru pakai satu kali sih
lembut di kulit
ga suka:
baunya nyegak

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